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July Book Recommendations


Theres-a-Woman-in-Pulpit-cover-book-edited-by-Martha-SpongDuring the month of June I read five books that I recommend.  All were published either last year or this year:

  • (5) There’s a Woman in the Pulpit: Christian Clergywomen Share Their Hard Days, Holy Moments, and the Healing Power of Humor edited by Martha Spong (SkyLight Paths, 2015)
  • (4.5) Teams that Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership by Ryan T. Hartwig and Warren Bird (IVP Books, 2015)
  • (4.5) From Tablet to Table: Where Community is Found and Identity is Formed by Leonard Sweet (NavPress, 2014)
  • (4) Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by Serving Others by Cheryl Bachelder (Barrett-Koehler, 2015)
  • (4) Fellowship of Differents: Showing the World God’s Design for Life Together by Scot McKnight (Zondervan, 2014)

More on “A Woman”

There’s a Woman in the Pulpit: Christian Clergywomen Share Their Hard Days, Holy Moments, and the Healing Power of Humor is one of those books that is a refreshing read for all clergy, but also an important read for all who care about women in ministry and seek to better understand some of the joys and challenges these ministers experience.  Compiled and edited Martha Spong, a United Church of Christ pastor who founded  a a social media ministry making community for clergywomen known as RevGalBlogPals, compiled and edited this volume that includes contributions by 52 clergywomen from a variety of traditions including American Baptist, Anglican, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Church of England, Church of Scotland, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), Mennonite, Presbyterian (PCUSA), United Church of Canada, United Church of Christ, and the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches.

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